          國立台灣美術館-本館影音藝術廳放映【加拿大& 台灣環保紀錄片影展】,歡迎蒞臨免費觀賞! 國立台灣美術館-本館影音藝術廳放映【加拿大& 台灣環保紀錄片影展】,歡迎蒞臨免費觀賞! Subject: 國立台灣美術館-本館影音藝術廳放映【加拿大& 台灣環保紀錄片影展】,歡迎蒞臨免費觀賞!影音藝術廳放映時間表6/30-7/5二三四五六日 09:50記憶珊瑚 60min環保先鋒鈴木博士開講 45min北極任務: 在邊緣的氣候  52min藍色星球上的難民 53min美味培根肉的背後 52min北極任務: 在邊緣的氣候  52min11:00河口人 62min垃圾大變身 22min環保先鋒鈴木博士開講 45min記憶珊瑚 60min北極任務: 在邊緣的氣候  52min垃圾大變身 22min土地與資源 25min土地與資源 25min13:3014:30開幕茶會美味培根肉的背後 52min垃圾大變身 22min衝擊地景 87min藍色星球上的難民 53min衝擊地景 87min土地與資源 25min15:20衝擊地景 87min藍色星球上的難民 53min河口人  62min垃圾大變身 22min河口人  62min美味培根肉的背後 52min土地與資源 25min環保先鋒鈴木博士開講 45min記憶珊瑚 60min國立台灣美術館 即時訊息通告 - 2009 年 6 月 29 日 回本館網站 展覽、教育推廣 [影音欣賞] ‧本館影音藝術廳放映【加拿大& 台灣環保紀錄片影展】,歡迎蒞臨免費觀賞! 【加拿大& 台灣環保紀錄片影展】 Canada and Taiwan Environmental Film Festival 【開幕茶會】日期:6/30 時間:下午14:30 地點:本館影音平台 開幕片:衝擊地景 影片介紹 加拿大 【衝擊地景Manufactured Landscapes】Jennifer Bai 濾桶chwal /87分/加拿大/2006 中文簡介: 過去三十多年來,世界知名的加拿大重量級攝影家愛德華伯汀斯基(Edward Burtynsky)不斷的透過宏構攝影,將採礦場、垃圾場、資源回收場、水壩等人類工業所製造出來的景觀,呈現在世人眼前。近幾年來,伯汀斯基把攝影目標轉向中國,本片製作小組即跟隨伯汀斯基前赴中國,見証與捕捉中國在大規模工業革命中鮮少為人所見的景觀面向。本片取景地點包括:三峽大壩,世界上最大的水壩,面積是全球第二大水壩的兩倍之多;鋼鐵廠,年產量高達兩千萬噸的鋼鐵廠廠內情景;上海,上海都市更新計畫的規模之大,令人咋舌。伯汀斯基以照相機捕捉這些地點的工業景觀,本片製作小組則跟隨伯汀斯基的眼光角度,用攝影機拍下這些地點的工業景觀。全片採用超十六釐米底片拍攝而成,畫質細膩,色彩飽滿。本片要旨並不在於表達一個單純化的批判,或是得出一個簡單化的結論, 而是將重點放在延伸伯汀斯基的攝影敘事,冥思人類對地球所造成的衝擊,祈盼透過電影畫面,讓觀眾以另一個角度來覺察人類所生存的這個世界以及現今人類的生活方式。 英文簡介: For almost three decades, internationally renowned Canadian artist Edward Burtynsky has been creating large scale photographs of landscapes transformed by industry: quarries, scrap heaps, factories, recycling yards, dams. Manufactured Landscapes follows Burtynsky to China as he travels the country capturing the evidenc 房屋二胎e and effects of China's massive industrial revolution. Rarely witnessed sites such as the Three Gorges Dam (50% larger than any other dam in the world), the interior of a factory which produces 20 million irons a year, and the breathtaking scale of Shanghai's urban renewal are subjects for his lens and our motion picture camera. Shot in sumptuous super 16mm film, Manufactured Landscapes extends the narratives of Burtynsky's photographs, meditating on human impact on the planet without trying to reach simplistic judgements or reductive resolutions. In the process, the film shifts our consciousness about the world and the way we live in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【環保先鋒鈴木博士開講Suzuki Speaks】Tony Papa/ 45分/加拿大/2003 中文簡介: 鈴木大衛博士是世界知名的科學家和環保運動人士,在這部影片中,他傳達出生涯中最重要的訊息,暢談宇宙中人類和我們居所的定位,也用全新的觀點來審視我們的環境。這是一部讓你不僅是觀看,也更讓你能去體驗的紀錄片。 這部影片也由知名的視覺效果藝術家Torrance Hurd擔任藝術指導。他與其團隊試著以頂尖科學家的角度,利用3D特效和現場畫面來呈現垃圾掩埋場的驚人場景。 英文簡介: Suzuki Speaks captures the passion an 關鍵字廣告d vision of world-renowned scientist and environmentalist Dr David Suzuki, who delivers the most important message of his career. He speaks about humans and our place in the universe. His is a fresh perspective and a timely catalyst. This is a documentary that you won't just watch - you'll experience! In a stunning fusion of compositing, 3D effects and live footage, this video breaks new ground. Visual effects artist Torrance Hurd and his team peer into the mind of a top scientist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【垃圾大變身GREEN SWEEP: TRANSFORMING OUR TRASH】22分/加拿大 中文簡介: 加拿大人比以前製造出更多的垃圾。以平均每人的垃圾製造量而言,加拿大在全世界名列前茅。儘管已經積極執行垃圾減量,但如何再利用這些廢棄物已成了當前一大課題。這部紀錄片包括了六個迷你段落,一方面呈現出加拿大已經成功回收或再利用的成果,另方面檢視一些仍被迴避的責任。不管是魁北克省以回收材料生產環保漆的Boomerang公司,溫哥華回收電腦的Free Geeks 組織,或是將垃圾轉化為乙醇燃料的Enerkem公司,都可展現加拿大人對永續經營的投入。 英文簡介: Canadians are generating more waste than ever. On a per-person basis, we're some of the biggest garbage producers in the world. But even if we reduce our g 澎湖民宿arbage as much as we can, what can we do with the waste that's left? This series of six mini-documentaries from The National looks at innovative ways some Canadians already recycle and re-use, as well as the bigticket items we still struggle to scrap responsibly. Whether it's the runaway success of Quebec's recycled Boomerang paints, Vancouver's Free Geeks recycling computers sans charge, or Enerkem's efforts to turn garbage into ethanol, see how Canadians are getting serious about living sustainably. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【美味培根肉的背後Bacon, the Film】Hugo Latulippe / 52分/加拿大/2002 中文簡介: 幾年前,加拿大的主要養豬業者結合了魁北克的政治盟友,決定將加拿大培根行銷到全球市場。雖然成效卓著,但是背後的代價卻很驚人。這部影片探討了龐大養豬產業對社會和環境所帶來的衝擊: 土壤出現貧瘠的徵兆、河川被污染,原本我們生活中不可或缺的水源在一些地區已成了毒瘤。這些狀況可能完全失控。由於政府棄守防線,公民團體起而搖旗吶喊,希望能在民主的架構中,為人類生存的福祉而奮鬥。  英文簡介: Several years ago, large-scale hog producers and their political allies in Quebec decided to branch out into international markets. But bacon, like everything else, has its price. Bac 西裝外套on, the Film asks whether we have properly measured the social and environmental impacts of this proliferation of huge hog operations. The soil is already showing signs of sterility. Rivers are contaminated. Water, the very symbol of life, has itself become a hazard in some communities. The situation could be spinning out of control. Abandoned by the state, citizens groups are making their voices heard and taking back democracy. An unexpected grain of sand in a machine well oiled by neo-liberal dogma, they are fighting to keep society on a human scale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【北極任務: 在邊緣的氣候Arctic Mission: Climate on the Edge】/Alain Belhumeur /52分/加拿大/2003 中文簡介: 瞭解氣候變遷這個議題的複雜性,以及其對我們文化與社會造成的衝擊。 我們所居住的星球一直有著各種的天氣變化。然而,近來的媒體都傾向於以一系列的天然災害來呈現氣候變遷,而未能針對一般大眾提供必要的背景,來幫助大家瞭解這些複雜問題的成因以及可能的解決之道。這部片子邀集了氣象學家、冰河學家、太空物理學家及海洋學家,搭配動畫說明,讓影片從一個全球性的整合觀點來闡述氣候的多變性。 英文簡介: Understanding the complex issue of climate change and its impact on our culture and society The planet has always been subject to climactic variations 辦公室出租 . These days, however, the media tend to present climate change as a series of disasters, failing to provide the necessary background for the public to properly understand this complex, constantly evolving subject. Featuring climatologists, glaciologist, astrophysicists and oceanographers along with helpful animated illustrations, the film explains climate dynamics from a global, integrated perspective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【土地與資源Land-Territory and Resources】Michel Barbeau/ 25分/加拿大/2000 中文簡介: 這部影片介紹了加拿大六個主要地理區域,從山脈、平原、森林,到綿延的海岸線和北極的浮冰。加拿大擁有遼闊的領土和豐富的資源。儘管身為全球第二大的國家,加拿大的大部份人口卻聚集在面積不到百分之一的都會區域中。許多地方因為冬季嚴寒而不適人居。本片擷取了許多加拿大的壯麗景觀,並介紹各地特有的資源及物產。 英文簡介: Land navigates the six distinct regions that make up Canada. From mountains, plains and forests, to vast coastlines and northern ice floes, Canada's territory and resources are rich and productive! Although Canada is the second largest country in the world, the majority of its population lives on less than one per cent of the land. A sizable portion of Canada is uninhabitable for all but the most seasoned of cold-weather dwel 小額信貸lers. TRANSIT features five videos that examine Canada's rich and diverse geography. Each film in the series combines spectacular cinematography and lively animation, using the Earth's basic elements as themes: Air explores climate; Water showcases the country's network of rivers, lakes and oceans; Land looks at the vast territory that makes Canada the second largest country in the world; Fire documents old and new sources of energy; plus Life, which develops the themes of people,fauna and flora. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【藍色星球上的難民The Refugees of the Blue Planet】Helene Choquette, Jean-Philippe Duval/ 53分/加拿大/2006] 中文簡介: 每年,全球有數以百萬計的人口被迫遷徙。從馬爾地夫、巴西甚至在加拿大,這些被拔根離開家鄉的人們有著驚人的相似性。由於支撐生活的環境狀況日益惡化,許多鄉居人口面臨了巨大的壓力,也促成他們逐漸改變生活方式。「藍色星球上的難民」闡述了一個目前大家尚未正視的課題:環境難民。即便其訴求一個乾淨和永續環境的權利已被侵犯,這些人的數量仍經常在增加,通常也無法獲得法律認可的特殊地位。 英文簡介: Each year, millions of people the world over are driven to forced displacement. From the Maldives to Brazil, and even closer to home, here in Canada, the disturbing accounts of people who have been uprooted are amazingly 小型辦公室similar. The enormous pressure placed on rural populations as a result of the degradation of their life-supporting environment is driving them increasingly further from their way of life. The Refugees of the Blue Planet sheds light on the little-known plight of a category of individuals who are suffering the repercussions of this reality: environmental refugees. They are constantly growing in number and often have no legal status, even though their right to a clean and sustainable environment has been violated. In French with English subtitles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 台灣 【河口人Fishermen in the city】洪淳修HONG, Chun-Xiu / 62分/台灣/2006 中文簡介: 【河口人】紀錄片選擇了一個看似遙遠,卻又近在咫尺的題材:關渡八仙,電影的宣傳寫著:「有個村子叫八仙,在岸上就看得見台北101,順著潮水就能直通台灣海峽。河海交會的先天條件,滋養了這個百年漁村,但城市與海洋間的矛盾位置,讓河口人只能在夾縫中求生存…」 英文簡介: There is a century-old fishing village that exists where the river meets the ocean. The film shows the contradiction between the development of city and the primitive ocean, causing the basic survival and living conditions for the villagers become gradually difficult and worse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 租房子--------------------- 【記憶珊瑚】/ 柯金源/ 60分/ 台灣/ 2007] 中文簡介: 『記憶珊瑚』環境生態紀錄片中,有人類過度補漁現象的反省,珊瑚資源不當利用的批判,更有海洋重大污染的後續追蹤,以及工業區開發,犧牲珍貴藻礁生態的盲點呈現。本片除了台灣本島各主要珊瑚礁區以外,更鎖定較重要之離島,如澎湖群島、綠島、蘭嶼、小琉球、東沙島、基隆嶼、七星岩等島嶼的海域礁區,它沒有一般環保紀錄片的激情控訴與吶喊,取而代之以海底影像與創作風格獨特的海洋音樂相結合,將海洋人、珊瑚與音樂的交融情緒,影像隨著音符為之起伏、沉澱、思考,人與海洋的距離拉近了,珊瑚礁的存續,不再只是嚴肅的選擇題。 *進入影廳後,請配合將手機關機或轉為震動。 *主辦單位: 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處Canadian Trade Of f ice in Taipei /Bureau commercial du Canada a Taipei *特別感謝Special THANKS to: 加拿大國家電影局National Film Board of Canada 加拿大國家廣播電視公司Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 您可以到以下的網址取消或修改您的電子報訂閱內容: → 國 立 台 灣 美 術 館版權所有 c 2005國立台灣美術館|歡迎與我們聯絡:台中市五權西路1段2號 | 聯絡電話: (04)2372-3552 | 傳真電話: (04)2372-1195 -- Animals are friends not food.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋貸款  .

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