          今晚誰當家 20100401 誰才是今晚的人妻美腿王 Part 4 02:55/10:09 That so called "Shower 信用卡代償.Zheng" is another form of Condi Rice; "Duck.Tway.G.Duck.Dyao. 買屋 Knee.Joe.Jwall.Lwen.1" (Notice: that "Joe" links to your President MarInnJoe who is 代償slaved by American werewolves force.) is her secret code to tell you that she's Condi Rice-Anita Mui 西裝 who showed her losing thigh on stage in one of her show; "Lwen.1" also linked to "One.1.Lwen" ("One.1.Lwen"- "Jwall.Lwen.1" - 關鍵字廣告 "One.Jwall". "Joe"-"Joe.Yao"-"Yao.Mar.Zhong.Yuan" also link to "MarInnJoe" two daughters's last Chinese names. "Yao" also link to JungShiuaLin's brother "Lin.Ro 室內設計ng.Yao" who's looked like "6.The.What"; "Yao" also linked to "Jone.Yao"-"Dow Jones"-"newswires, Web sites, newspapers, newsletters, databases, magazines, radio and television. 室內設計" lies. Jone also Angus Tung's schooling name when he's in "What.Sin.Yu.Yo.Yuan".) who master that Golf Court in "Sue.Zhou" China that link to Angus Tung good at golf play als 住商房屋o link to Condi Rice another form name "Sue.Show.Nun" who's Angus Tung's wife. That entire show is an American werewolves slaved "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" underground chained slavery terrors force 太平洋房屋 secret talk, I know they are exchanging secret code, but cannot know what indeed mean.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 禮服  .

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