Go to hell sex bug 朱兆任 This is why stupid bad ugly evil 朱兆任(415-695-9678 415-397-1272 415-391-5197 415-752-6914 P.O.Box 26056 San Francisco Ca.94126. 2211 Damon ST., Los Angeles. Calif; 333 Kearny St., Suite 208 & 206 San Francisco, Calif 94108, 朱兆祥 {213-461-0636}朱兆祺 朱兆銘's brother) must go to hell. Because he not only raped me to take my virgin pride from me, he raped me again in USA the free land I just entering to seek free life. I remember I called him(I did have consulted JungShaiuLin and got his agreed to call 朱兆任; though I did not tell him about the rape, he did not ask about that either, I guess he knew I was raped by 朱兆任, because he kept emphasizing that "Pond.Sue.Sue" [朱兆任 was obviously overweight when he came to that Houston apartment to rape me. I wonder how come JungShiauLin knew his fat while the picture that 朱兆任 left in my place showed he's one of the most less weight that I have known. JungShiauLin sounded like he knew it from my daughter Jenny, but I think most likely it was his lie, because I remember at that time, my daughter Jenny was a very quiet little girl, not a big mouth in any way. Yes, I saw Jenny was playing the run and caught around the desk with 朱兆任, but she did not talk, she just running around; and I remember that running steps noise caused apartment down stairs resident hammaring from their ceilng to make warning to make me to stop their run.], I was blocked by God's mercy to see no evil to both 朱兆任 and JungShiauLin, JungShiauLin likes 朱兆任 has no mercy to me, he kept emphasizing "Pond.Sue.Sue." not intending to seek justice for me, intended to insult me and further trashing me. God and Satan both agreeing that I don't deserve the fatal damage to see their evils at that weakly time, therefore, I was naively passed that 死蔭幽谷 to survive to grow up to tell. ) to try to seek help to get Green Card, he invited himself immediately to come to my place in the fastest shortest time, I saw him just want to have a talk about the green card that I was so eager to get to make sure I can live in USA legally, at night, my daughter Jenny was asleep 酒店工作, I set another room for him to rest and tring to have a honest talk with him, I don't remember how I ended rapped by him, all I am sure now is he did not do the fuck because of his sex desire, because he used force to stick his penis into my mouth, he was so heavy and forceful that made me all resisting in vain, I resisting even during the intercourse until the last moment I gave up trying to make a sense of love but he already finished, it was too late for me to give him any love. I was wondering all the time why he did that disgusting thing to stick his penis into my mouth, until not long ago I figured out it must because he did not have the sex desire to harden his penis, therefore, he chose the hells path to force me to suffer the double rapes. He thought he's more forceful than me, he needs to face his 弱肉強食 sex bug's mean. I don't have the guts to kill him, I don't have the mood to hate him. I know he deserves the deepest hells "Won.死.Jway." because Satan not only giving him one time to make up his raped crime, Satan giving him second chance to make me coming to USA to show his luck, he blew away himself, Satan must do the duty to seek justice for a good will woman like me. Man made law cannot give good woman the righteous justice, Satan has no problem to give the absolute righteous justice to every one. This is what making 蔣中正 such a GREAT Man, he did not need to hear or see the "Jean.Gwall", he immediately knew it was his failure of doing the duty to protect the best woman in his country from raped by evil doers 朱兆祥 {213-461-0636}朱兆祺 朱兆銘's brother "Chu.Sheng." 朱兆任. 蔣中正 faced his failure, admitting he's the loser, willing to take the death by himself, and he knew 35 years ago that I am better than 蔣中正 self to seek justice for myself. And I did use the scissors to take a big worm bug from the ground days ago, I did not kill that worm bug, I just took it to displayed under the sun, I watched it struggling crawling on the concret floor lasting about one hour more or less than 小額信貸"Jean.Peel.Lea(k).Ja(ck)" died without any cut or wound. I am better than any man to do the justice for myself, because I don't copy cat any evil doer's stupid bad ugly evil cut or wound, I just standing under the sun to wait and see to make sure not allowing that worm bug to get any chance to back to the earth under my sight. When I left that worm bug looked deadly body site, it was still a whole, the ants did not like I expected gethering to carry that worm bug body like they used to do to the usual worms or bugs deadly bodies, I guess the ants must have had sensed that worm bug too poisoning to afford them to take. I was scared at the moment to see that worm bug ugliness in front of me, I holding the scary then used the big scissors that I was happening to use to cut the grass in my front yard, I overcame my scare to take that worm bug from the earth to replace it on the concrete floor to let it face its deserved sun shine bathing to dry out. It was uneasy for me to finish that disgusting worm bug, because I am not a cold cold hard like "Chu.Sheng." 朱兆任. I just let the uneasiness be there and wait for time to take it away. Your last name happening to be 朱, blame the "Chu.Sheng" to your own sucker "Chu Chao-Ren", it was translated by 朱兆任 self. You dislike be called "Chu.Sheng", go to follow stupid bad ugly evil China Communist made up for your shameless cowardness to spell as " Z H U". Therefore, I realized how come my sweetheart must have had to risk himself to go to hell to have told me "1.Dean.要" making love with me.: to tell that stupid bad ugly evil "Chu.Sheng" - "ChuChaoRen" his so called "不知道妳是處女" can not spare him from hells, because firstly, he did not even care me enough to know what I was, he must have had no right to fuck me, secondly, if he indeed thought 我不是處女, he must have had known or thought that I must have had belonged one of my "Chin.May.Drew.Mar" love. "Chu.Sheng." - "ChuChaoRen" must die and go to hell immediately. I was 21years old, months away from turning to 22 when ChuChaoRen raped me, when 居酒屋 I saw my sweetheart on the side walk out of social department office building that time I was 24 or 25, it was 3 years more or less since I raped by ChuChaoRen and had lived under the shame and scare of ChuChaoRen's force. I did not dare to date (I did go out with 張逢生 when the school we both teaching there out of the classes[because it was just a convenient happened to get together mixed with co-workers, therefore, I did not and don't consider it's a date.], and I told him about my lost virgin shamefully when the first time I was alone with him out of school field, he acted seeing me like a trash, left me out of his home outside the down stairs that he most likely planned to bring me in to see his family members) any one after I lost my virgin, I guess my sweetheart must have had noticed through the available school mates channel without my acknowledgement that I was looked like slave left no man to be able to have the chance to build new relation with me, therefore, he must take the duty to rescue me from the hells, because he's the only one had played "Chin.May.Drew.Mar" pleased me quite meaningful times may be able to have the better chance to come to get close to me. I remember my sweetheart threw me hurting comment after making love with me "如果妳是處女我.Joe.1.Dean.娶妳", it was hurting, because he's a married man, I thought he meant that because I lost my virgin therefore not even qualified to be his 妾 (even I was having very low self esteem at that point, I disliked the idea of 妾, however, I must admit had my sweetheart clearly discussing that issue with me at that time, I may have had ended accepting that shame, but it was and is not allowed by either Satan or God, because I must be too good to deserve that low to be eaten bonelessly by cold cold hard female dressed animal [Because good wife or woman must have the natural good sense to reject 姑息養姦, not watching, tolerate, compromising to allow her husband or her man to falling into that hells - 陰盛陽衰 your family, your society, your country must become hells. This may explain how come Ch 長灘島inese most likely more favor to have the birth of boy than girl. ]without a trace); I was too low self esteem to dare to fight back the words like I had used to do at those pity years; the difference is I really falling in love with my sweetheart since I saw him at the first sight when we were 4th grader, too deep to know at that time, therefore, even it was a hurting, we ended leaving that room happily holding hands together going down stairs with happily smile to each other. It was kindly funny even I was somewhat at sad mood at this moment, I can still record the happiness in my heart and showing on his funny "Yo.Jway.What.Sir" smile. The doubt point I have at this moment is I wonder he was indeed falling in love before he making love with me, I am wondering he making love may because for seeking righteousness more than indeed loving me to that point could not help to make love like Chinese said "Chin.Boot.自.Jean.". Pure true love is very precious, must not messed with any out of body advantage( like rich and famous, ranks, grades....etc., therefore, the same classroom mate is in better equality than older senior bending to lower graders, this may explain how come all law makers should not allow their immigration law to have anything to do with marrage status to get rid of unequal marriage suckers like stupid bad ugly evil Linda Chwee and Mrs.Cartwright Lest and Mrs.Ping Horsley, and Mrs.Ling-Ling Cunningha, and Mrs.Stella Canupp,..... etc. had taken advantage of ). I am not sure if I am luck enough to meet mine, therefore, I realized that I indeed need to stop the "1.Sean.Chin.Yuan." stop acting like "Dway.How.Rule.Jwall.". I thank God bless me to wake me up from JungShiauLin's hells. Lonesome freedom much much less evil than loveless marriage hells. I am sad, I have no hate. I hope I can have a peaceful ending to leave my body jail behind very soon.It is Taiwanese duty to tell, if they don't kill "Chu.Sheng" 朱兆任, they must admit that Taiwan has had no good remaining, because I was fucked if you dare deny the word "raped" by 朱兆任 when I was entering USA from Taiwan, after that fuck, 吳哥窟 I have been a woman good enough to get 貞節牌坊 . Because I don't love JungShiauLin, I have been a good 貞節 at least since April 1986 (I don't remember that date that raped by 朱兆任, but I know since I moving in 20331 Lionsgate, Humble, Texas April 1986 I have been a貞節 woman. ) upto now more than 21years purely because of my personal integrity not because too much love to see sir or too cold to love. Why 朱兆任 must be killed by his rape crime? Because he's the most sinister or one of the most sinister Chinese Chess player(s) in the whole world that high rank level must have him the highest self controlling capability, his raping crime must not because real animal sex desire, but because of on purposely committing worse than killing crime, he forcefully stuck his penis to shut up my mouth further showed his evil deeds. A woman good enough to deserve 貞節牌坊 cannot have the luck to meet her sweetheart, any other woman not 貞節 like her cannot have Satan's righteousness to allow her to meet hers. Any Taiwanese or Chinese or Taiwanese Chinese American woman does not agree with my 貞節 deserve 牌坊, challenge her with the test I have had passed through my whole life as per her left years. If she's too old to have the time to do the time test, challenge her with the test "Won.Gen(eral).Chwon.Sin." that I have had passed since 2003 Thanksgiviing season upto now. Why I don't challenge American woman? Because they give me the second chance to get my decency back, this is their born country, they are first class citizen, I am an immigrated "Bi.Lay" a second class US citizen, as long as the first class citizen not looking down the second class, they will be always first before the second class; just like woman is second to man, as long as man not look down woman, man always first class human being (This may explaing how come Gentleman usually eyes Lady First; Gentleman has the good will to see Lady First, must have the good will to service all female instead of watching or hiring any female to work or service for him. The same may apply to second class citizens that they may have the freedom to seek wha 設計裝潢tever job they like, the government must have the duty to hire the first class citizens to service the public before considering hiring any second class citizens.), woman always second to man, because woman is the man who lost their first mankind life to come again as woman form. This is why you should not leave your own born place, you want to leave your first place to move to other place to become immigration, you must have the honesty and guts to face the reality that you are second to those natural born citizens, because you immigrated to other place to invited (Therefore, Black Americans that rooted from slaves [I suspect most current Black Americans most likely not rooted Black slaves, most likely rooted Chinese railroad building workers] should have the guts to see the fact that they have no right to demand first class treatment, because they are rooted from slaves cannot grow up free minded like others who invited by themselfs on their own free will, slaves cannot grow tall enough to know the right direction by themself [Therefore, Black Americans who are in political play field, they should rather take my point of view for granted than listen to any their ass kissers or sinisters like "Chu.Sheng"朱兆任"Huang.Whore" gangsters], they should have the good will to join military[the most power of honesty place, no matter what you rooted may be, you must rely on your own good will to grow strong, you take advantage of convenient laziness in the training field, you must meet your fall in your battle field where you cannot expect God's love, you can only do your best to earn Satan to respect to you.] to obey the General order to donate their life to service our nation or like Jews back to their supposed Israel to get them self free master minded back [Because your sold out was absolute your rooted nation's debt to you that they either rooted the criminals that sold you out or rooted the losers that failed to do the nation's decent duty to guard your mankind right, therefore, if you are in good will back to seek your root with love instead of evil minded revenge, they must owe you the first place to welcome you heartily and 西裝外套get your good will to help them with all you have learned from USA good better best to get both you and your rooted from losers to become winners. Therefore, you should know rooted slaved in USA may disadvantage to you from free mind if you choose to stay in USA, but you have your deserved refund from your first place if you choose back to rooted land that advantagement those who invited themself to USA cannot have it from their rooted place.]. Yes, life is tough, when you are the losers in the first place, you were sold out as slave from your own place, you need even more strength to survive in your second place, do not take advantage of your second place mankind will; "7.Sun.Pot.U[gly]", you must go to hells.) by yourself, you must be the loser in your own first place, if you are not the loser at your own first place why not good enough to stay there to help your own place to become better place to fit your good idea to become a better place to live like the place you are looking for the second chance. Yes, this is American, therefore, you should have the good will to respect my reality, sincerely, honest talk; you dare not talk, does not mean sinister "Chu.Sheng"朱兆任"Huang.Whore" gangsters can have the mercy to spare your soft spots. Just see how cowardly stupid bad ugly evil George Bush junior must bend to stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animal Condi Rice unfitted in US Secretary head to dragon down the whole world to get the long time deep silence nice surfaced. If you really love your country, why you care your rank is 1. 2. 3. 4. or 5? as long as you are a free man (All your lover needs from you is you are a free man, she loves you dearest no matter what number you may be, you can have your good life from your only love good woman not from your rank; you cannot have your luck to find your only love woman, you cannot even get yourself a life not mention to help your nation long life, in that unfortunate, all you can do is to do your best to earn Satan respects to you to kill the evil doers so that when you come again you can have your deserved luck.). To service the public is not a civil right, to service the public, you must be very generous, 土地買賣generousness is kind like talent, there's no way you can get it by schooling. For some unknown reason, the White Guy is most suitable to seat in the public service seat, they are more fair and balance, they have more strength to stand the public attacks, they see money power sex lighter than any other race, yes, even White woman more generous and fair to face your offense to her. I remember, there's a time in a McDonald resturant, I complaining to a White woman about her kid, she immediately apologied to me before even talking to her kid, and I saw a White woman asking to a big kid "didn't your mom teach (or some word like teach)you like that?" that big kid immediately behave well. Can you imagine any Chinese mom apology to you immediately when you complaining her about her kids? My mom would do like that, but not me, I will ask my kid first before I say any word. (Why those White moms way of showing to their kids matters? that showed they trust your words at the beginning when you like her is a mom, when you willing to talk her to get her justice, and they like my mom execute Chinese best tradition "律己以嚴 待人以寬" that stupid bad ugly evil Taiwanese politicians does not even care to know their own Chinese face value.) And in Chinese school, there's parents acting like enemy to each other just because one of the mom saying some words to correct another mom's kid, I don't blame her, because Chinese mom is too selfish to be trusted to tell anyone else kids any words. White guy be the leader, you can speak whatever you dislike him, he won't revenge you, not that stupid bad ugly evil Condi Rice(she's too stupid bad ugly evil to know that US Tax payers money not her own money, and she's too stupid bad ugly evil to know that money corrupts even stupid bad ugly evil Bill and Hillary Clinton not mention any other nation worse than that shameless US former first couple.), you can see how cowardly former France President bending to kiss her, how come the Israel former head falling down immediately touched by her, even US Senator Barbara Boxer must swallow words back to her mouth. You can add more, because I am living in an very isolated life style, I don't watch TV 借貸 for years, I don't listen to the radio more than one year, I don't on purposely read news for quite a time, why? because too many suckers in the news to comments; those suckers don't care any good idea, they just want their own power, money, sex crawling at large, they are your militry duty to kill out of civilians pens. Therefore, I sensed that 陳水扁 indeed one of "Chu.Sheng" 朱兆任 "孫悟空 72 變" - 陳水扁-朱兆任-"沉.Boot.住.7."-照睡.Boot.5.-騙人-欺侮-五子棋-騙子-高齊之(華興校友, it was said that he's one of 于佑任 closest relatives, Malchon Kao 1831 Alpha St. South Pasadena, CA 91030 213-8049453/2579667/3449604/9199533 )-趙高-糟糕-5.音.Boot.全-高全之(高齊之 twin brother, 華興校友, said one of 于佑任 closest relatives, 28416 San Nicolas Drive Rancho Palos Verdes CA. 90275-3163 310-5413929)-殷琪-朱兆祺(朱兆任's brother)-精密鑄造- 朱經武-密告-祕密武器-烏雲密佈-雲層-運氣-成大器-大氣層-高大-大直-大水-大陳人 This is what woman as second to man can have advantage of free from those concern, as long as she has the free will willing to please God to stay her own place, then, what race she is does not matter any more; if she does not believe in God's love, she chooses to work to support herself or her dependent(s), she must have the guts to be at her own, do not take advantage of any mankind soft spot, she needs to do her best to service every one like a good gentleman must have had done (Therefore, I realized how come that robot cop must got to load, because he failed do the tough love to obey the 弱肉強食 rule : just let that female cop deserved to die in that real 弱肉強食 battle ground; you are cop, your duty is to kill the criminal, your duty is not to protect your aid unless you are assigned the duty doing the covering shot, in that case, you are not in the front line risk yourself be shot.) to earn the Satan to respect her to stand her side. Keep in mind Satan cannot give you life, Satan can only give you justice. This is why woman should choose to please God to stay home to expect herself to be good enough to give her sweetheart a good life.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房地產  .

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